Sunday, November 18, 2012

Federal Funding Cuts to First Nations

         Federal Funding Cuts to First Nations
There have been major funding cuts that affect First Nations peoples and if the media can be believed there are many more to come. The First Nations people are still healing from the traumas of residential school, the sixties scoop, and the process of Colonization. The First Nations people are returning to their culture and traditions which provides foundation for balanced living. There need to be an end to the racist, radical European style of communication and justice. The Federal government continues to ignore the promises made to the First Nations Peoples in the treaties from the past. It is imperative that we ask why this is happening.  The government must find a way to help the First Nations People heal. Thousands of people are in astronomical pain due to the decisions of this "neoliberal ideology."
       "We're vulnerable right now,” (Porter, November 2012). Nishnawbe Aski Nation Grand Chief Harvey Yesno told almost 50 chiefs gathered for a meeting in Thunder Bay on Tuesday, November 13th, 2012. With the funding Cuts that are going to happen, the First Nations communities could be bankrupt. "We are going have to rely on our communities” (Porter, November, 2012), he stated. According to Mullaly (2007) in the summary of liberal views, “Social reform is valued as long as it improves society for individuals, but does not fundamentally change its nature “(p. 97). The federal government is not making these cuts on the basis of improving society for the better. Mullaly (2007) also encourages us to,   “Act in best interests of all society” (p. 97). Clearly the First Nations peoples best interests are being ignored by the Federal, Provincial and local Governments.
      Chief Yesno believes this lack of financial support is an opportunity for growth. "Being freed from government money, means being free to deal with real advocacy:  (Porter, November,  2012). He is embracing the reality and turning it into a positive outlook for his people. The resiliency of the First Nations peoples shows once again. Governments are clearly not acknowledging the treaty agreements of our ancestors. Social justice dictates that we must meet the obligations of our ancestors and begin to address the wrong that has been inflicted upon the First Nations Populations.
Poverty, addictions, and crime are on the increase in our society.  Several First Nations people will become victims to capitalism, and they are not alone.  Our society must join together as one and fight the government for the rights of all people.

Refernce List:
B, Mullay. (2007). The New Structural Social Work. Oxford University Press.

Porter, J. (Nov,14,2012). First Nations brace for 'nefarious' funding cuts. CBC News. Retreived from

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