in Canada
It’s funny how we have a doctor shortage in
Canada, yet we have a foreign trained doctors giving up on pursuing their
careers in Health care as Canada doesn’t recognize their licenses. If our
government would concentrate on a solution to this problem we would have the
doctors we so desperately need.
We are one of
the lowest ranking countries at the moment when it comes to doctor patient
ratios, whereas ten years ago we were praised for our great heath care system. In Canada’s past woman used to be midwifes,
and they took care of woman having babies. Our male doctors in Canada believed
that having a baby was a medical condition that needed assistances of an able
bodied male, not a natural occurrence. They then launched a campaign and it
was put into effect, which made the prestige of the work go up, as well as the
price. (Foster, 2008) The women are
finally back into the child birthing process but white males are still the
dominating factor in Canada’s Heath Care System. Foreign trained doctors are
leaving the heath care field from lack of money or resources to pursue a career
in other areas. Someone born in Canada has many avenues to take in order to get
the help needed to start practicing, and foreign trained doctors have no
available avenues in Canada to help them. To me this is bewildering. I do not see how this makes sense to any
rational person never mind our government who are supposed to be looking out
for Canadians best interests. In ten years from now if nothing is done
concerning this issue I am scared to see what will happen. People dying because
they cannot get the proper heath care from a physician? 24 hour wait in a
hospital to see a doctor? I am worried that things will continue to stay the same
and our health care system will continue to decline in order to keep it
predominantly white male. (Foster, 2008)
Predominantly definition: Having greatest
ascendancy, importance, influence, authority, or force (Farlex, 2012)
I think that everyone should be seen as equal,
as Canada is supposed to be about equality and not about the country you came
from or trained in. This paper I read has opened my eyes to the realty of the
issue of racism still going on in the Canadian society today.
Works Cited
Farlex. (2012). The Free
Dictionary. (F. Inc, Editor) Retrieved Novemeber 20, 2012, from The Free
Dictionary .com:
Foster, L. (2008, June 20). Foreign
Trained Doctors in Canada: Cultural Contingency and Cultural . International
Journal of Criminology and Sociological Theory, 1, 1-25.